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SolitraPower  > Company >  vacancies

We are hiring!

Thank you for your interest in employment with Solitra Power Pvt Ltd. Positions listed below are open to all applicants who are legally eligible to work in Sri Lanka. Please review the vacancy notice thoroughly to ensure that your qualifications meet all of the requirements. Pay attention to requirements for education and work experience. We are not able to consider applicants who do not meet all requirements.

Current vacancies are listed below

Position Title No of vacancies Department Apply
Solar system Installers (male) Few available Technical Department Call us  -  Email us
Electricians (male) Few available Technical Department Call us  -  Email us


N.V.Q. Level 3 or 4.
A valid driving license.
Age between 18 to 35 years.
Fresher’s encouraged.
Attractive Salary. (Negotiable)
Available for residents kaluthara - Panadura.